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Árbi Suohpan – Sami Experience & Reindeer

Rautas 4, Kiruna
Giron reindeer
Giron reindeer

Árbi Suohpan – Sami Experience & Reindeer


This is a great opportunity to learn more about the reindeer and the Sami people in our area. We’ll take you to the Sami village Rávttas where you will encounter Sami people, feed the reindeer, throw the lasso and make a shorter ride with the reindeer sled. After the ride we will enjoy our lunch with ecological, smoked and fried reindeer meat (suovas), bread and coffee in the lávvu. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and listen to stories as we relax around the fire.

Are you interested in a longer tour with the reindeer sled? Check out Árbi Vuoján – Excursion with Reindeer sledding from January to March.

Information and price