Svenska flaggan

Wildlife meetings

Traffic safety and tips

Here, in the northernmost part of Sweden, the distances can be long and many things happen in nature along the roads. To keep the roads safe, for both humans and animals, we want to give you some tips on what to keep in mind when visiting us. When you visit Kiruna we wish for you to contribute to responsible behavior with respect and concern for animals, nature and culture. The right of public access means that we all can freely enjoy nature, but that includes both rights and obligations.

We must not walk on growing crops. The home peace zone is the area closest to a residential and leisure home where the resident is entitled to a private area and to be undisturbed. Within the home peace zone, the property owner or the tenant has full access to the land, and no one is allowed to stay there without permission from the owner. This means taking responsibility for nature and wildlife and showing consideration for landowners, land users and other visitors.

Motor traffic can cause great wear and tear on a single road. Therefore, the owners of the road may decide whether traffic with motor vehicles should be prohibited on the road. But the owner cannot prohibit anyone from walking, cycling or riding on the road unless the road is damaged. Use the designated parking pockets, do not stop or park along the rest of the road. Firstly, it is a safety risk for you and your car, partly for fellow road users, but also for the animals. If there is no room for your car then you select the following parking pocket.

Guidelines on how to behave in nature!

  • Keep in mind that you are in the natural residence of wildlife, even along the roadside.
  • The waking time of the animals is their time to search for food, please let them do so undisturbed.
  • If you find yourself in the middle of a herd, let it pass. Do not exit the car to take photos or chase the animals.
  • It is prohibited to park on a main road.
  • It is only allowed to park on dedicated parking spaces which are indicated with a P.
  • Use a reflective vest to ensure you can be seen in the dark.
  • Keep the dog on a leash when in reindeer herd area.
  • Do not approach the animals – observe from a distance.
  • Weather and the road conditions can change quickly here so drive safely and adjust your speed.

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