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The Kiruna Mountain Safety Committee warns of dangerous and unusual snow and ice conditions in the mountains. Read more.

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Find your outdoors equipment here

Buy or rent

In Kiruna, we live surrounded by nature with vast forests, marshes and majestic mountains. Outdoor life is important, and it is even more important to have the right equipment when you go out for adventure outside the city. Therefore, here are some tips on good stores in Kiruna, where you can buy or rent what you need – summer and winter.

Kiruna city

Located in the middle of Kiruna city center you will find the specialty store in hunting, fishing and outdoor activities. Here you will find everything you need from freeze-dried food to clothes. You will get help to choose the right products that suits you as the staff are experienced hunters, fishermen and outdoors people.

Sweden’s leading ski and splitboard shop focused on freeride, cross-country skiing and ski-touring. In summer you will find equipment for trail running, cycling and outdoors. Avalanche equipment and other mountain safety equipment can also be purchased here. Rent freeride- and ski-touring skis. Höjdmeter is also 1 of 50 Dynafit Competence Center in the world.

A store specializing in the rental of outdoor products for both summer and winter. In addition to the shop being certified for renting snowmobiles, you can also rent snowshoes, rubber canoes, satellite phones, tents, fishing equipment and more. The store is located a bit outside Kiruna city centre.

Camp Ripan
In the small sports shop you will find everything you need for an active outdoor life, ranging from base layers to outerwear, as well as a lot of sports and outdoor activity items. Here you can also rent cross-country skis, skates and snow shoes.

Outside Kiruna

Based in Jukkasjärvi. In the summer you can rent canoes, cross country bikes, SUP and fishing equipment.

Nikkaluokta Sarri
At the end of the road and last stop before heading out to the mountains. You will find a small range of provisions, so you can complement or buy essential food before your mountain tour. The shop also sells outdoors equipment like Primus gas, scarves and clothes. There are some hygiene articles and several smaller things hikers might need. You can also rent canoes here.

STF Abisko Fjällstation
In the shop you will find a wide range of functional clothes and sports equipment, as well as food, freshly baked bread, hygiene items and souvenirs. You can hire most equipment for your mountain adventures; ranging from skis, snow shoes, avalanche equipment and nordic ice skates in the winter time to hiking boots, tents and sleeping bags in the summer time.

STF Kebnekaise Fjällstation
The mountain station has a well-equipped rental for both summer and winter. Equipment for the hiker, such as boots, backpacks, and camping equipment. For winter there are snowshoes, skis with accessories, as well as snow racer and pulkas for the smaller guests. There is also a wide range of other outdoor equipment such as headlights, rain covers, compasses, maps, gas, medical supplies, freeze dried food and inspirational books.

Björkliden & Riksgränsen
The sports shop contains everything imaginable that you may need for going skiing. Jackets, trousers, goggles, hats, gloves, helmets and so on. Our sports shop offer skis to suit all kinds of skiers, from beginners to professionals. Our knowledgeable staff will help you find the perfect match for your level and skiing style. You can also hire arctic sleds. During the summer season in Björkliden you can buy clothes, boots and backpacks in the shop. For rental you will find bycicles, golf sets and fishing equipment.

Here you can rent snowmobiles from a certified renter.

In addition to the stores listed above, you can also buy gas for your outdoor kitchen at most petrol stations and mosquito repellent can be purchased in almost every store in Kiruna and the surrounding area.

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