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Eurowings continues with direct flights to Kiruna

May 3, 2023

Eurowings, a part of Lufthansa Group, has since December 2021 had direct flights to Kiruna during winter. Eurowings has announced that the flight will continue from Düsseldorf to Kiruna next winter season. The flights are available and bookable on Saturdays in 2024 from February 3rd to March 23rd.

Winter flight operations to Nordic destinations have become a permanent feature of the Eurowings network in recent years. With weekly non-stop flights from Düsseldorf to Kiruna, guests from North Rhine-Westphalia and neighboring countries can comfortably fly to Scandinavia and experience the Nordic winter”, Roland Hladin, Senior Manager Touroperator Sales & Groups Eurowings.

Eurowings decision to fly another season gives a signal that Kiruna is an interesting destination and that the unique Arctic experiences and accommodations Kiruna offers are in demand by international guests.

“Good communications are crucial to the success of our destination. We are very happy that Eurowings is continuing for another season. It is proof that Kiruna has a strong position internationally.” says Peter Salomonsson, CEO at Kiruna Lappland.

“We wanted to boost next season’s flight by coordinating a FAM-trip for German tour operators. The trip was arranged by Kiruna Lappland together with Eurowings, local tourism companies and with the destination Heart of Lapland to show a wider selection for the direct flight. The trip took place on March 19–25 and was quickly fully booked. The tour operators were very satisfied with the program and everything they got to experience during their stay,” adds Louise Johansson, Project Manager Marketing- and Destination Development

DUS 14:35 | KRN 17:35
KRN 18:25 | DUS 21.35

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