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The Kiruna Mountain Safety Committee warns of dangerous and unusual snow and ice conditions in the mountains. Read more.

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Samiwellness® Day tour

Tvärgatan 4A, Kiruna
Samiwellness med Scandinavian Photoadventures
Samiwellness med Scandinavian Photoadventures

Samiwellness® Day tour


Another start of your day. Open your eyes and explore the nature, listen to the heart of the arctic. In a peaceful surrounding we learn more about Sami traditional thinking while we ourselves take part and experience the landscape. Nature wellness in a Sami way.

Sami people are a lot in the nature, mindfullness is a part of meeting the earth, to feel the connection with nature and experience the colours, the taste and smell of the surroundings. This creates a feeling of thankfullness to earth and nature.

We walk in the beautiful landscape, meet the morning with open minds. Listen to the quietness, makes a fire and search for our inner voices. Your guide will give you a day to see the area with new eyes, open the door to Sami myths, stories and chants, learning about the Arctic animals and nature.