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Long weekend hiking experience

Lokvändarvägen 20, Riksgränsen
Sommarvandring med Niehku
Sommarvandring med Niehku

Long weekend hiking experience

Niehku Mountain Villa in Riksgränsen is one of Sweden’s most talked about travel destinations in recent years. Niehku was awarded the very prestigious “Prix Versailles” by UNESCO for best hotel design. Not only does our location right on the border between Sweden and Norway make us a boundary between two countries, it also means that we are at the crossroads of several very different landscapes. With Niehku Mountain Villa as your base camp, you will enjoy a long weekend with an array of equally varied and spectacular outdoor adventures.

The hiking package includes 3 days of accommodation in a double/twin room breakfast, warm lunch in the mountains and full evening menues with five courses. 2,5 days hiking with our local guides. (one day heli-hiking deep into the mountains and one day hiking from the mountains down to the Norwegian fjords). Boattrip across the fjord. Half day shorter hike on Sunday before departure if desired. All transports on hiking days, including helicopter, boat, minibus etc included. Lightweight Salomon daypacks and hiking poles to borrow. Access to sauna, relax and gym.

Photo: Mattias Fredriksson, and others.