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AURORA SPA with Spa ritual Stävan

Campingvägen 5, Kiruna

AURORA SPA with Spa ritual Stävan

After a full day of outdoor activities, it is bliss to relax and enjoy applying the treatments of our Aurora Spa at your own pace. Gently massage your face and hands with the aromatic coffee scrub, treat your feet to a foot bath of juniper salt and lemon while massaging them with iron pellets. Exfoliate with a body scrub of newly-sprouted birch leaves and finish off with a soothing body oil of pine-scented canola oil. Weave these in at your own pace with relaxing in the temperate pools, unwind with a sauna bath and enjoy a glass of wine or a cool smoothie in our relaxation area.The sauna bucket contains products based on ancient Swedish, Sami and Torne Valley Finnish medicinal knowledge. All products are made from natural raw ingredients and are completely free of preservatives.

Aurora Spa in Kiruna Lapland – A unique spa in a unique region!
When we were just beginning to plan, the focus was already crystal clear – we wanted a spa with its heart in that we find all around us, the materials that symbolize our lives, from the everyday to relaxing recreation. Stone, wood and water – materials that stand for the cool, warmth and essential, which are all included as natural elements in the nature, communities and cultures of Lapland. These deep-rooted elements are the guiding principles of our spa. This natural concept then evolved to include a great deal more, especially tantalizing contrasts! Swedish Lapland and Kiruna are rich in contrasts, they enrich the lives of those who live here, and we are proud to be able to share them with our guests.

We have chosen to not block out the feeling of winter, but rather build it right in. Our Aurora Spa in­vites you to wander between in and out, heat and cold, soothing water and crystalline snow. Relax indoors and enjoy the winter white lands­cape through panorama windows, or feel the cool caress of the polar winter across your cheek while en­veloped by the warming comfort of our outdoor pool. And if you are lucky, the colourful dance of the Northern Lights will entertain you!