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Exclusive wilderness tundra expedition

Exclusive wilderness tundra expedition


The trip starts from Kiruna in Swedish Lapland and take the group of guests through the wild tundra area of Råsto all the way to Kilpisjärvi, where a comfortable and luxurious hotel stay at the newly opened Cahkal Hotel is included.

The trip is done with snowmobiles through rugged terrain in harsh conditions and we stay overnight in heated glamping tents in the middle of nowhere. During the trip, guests get to experience the best of what the wilderness in Swedish Lapland can offer – including local cuisine, wilderness sauna and ice swimming under the northern lights.

A unique experience for adventure lovers
Our experienced guides take care of everything on the trip, including all transports, food and guiding all the way to the destination in Kilpisjärvi.

The expedition starts in the morning, with pick-up of guests and then we go to Kurravaara, where the snowmobiles and guides are waiting with packed sleds. The group takes off deep into the wilderness and head for the first camp site, where high-quality heated tents are setup up and decorated with lights, camping beds and a table for a comfortable stay.

Every trip is uniquely planned together with the group, so that the activities are tailored to fit what the group would like to experience. Our options for activities include e.g. ice fishing, wilderness sauna including ice swimming, wilderness skiing, snowshoe walking and northern lights watching. Weather conditions such as clouds, snow, wind and temperature also effects what activities are suitable. Guides take care of preparing authentic arctic food often on the open fire.

The group moves gradually northbound towards Kilpisjärvi, with two different camp sites during the trip.

The small village of Kilpisjärvi and Cahkal Hotel is reached in the afternoon of day 3, where a warm and beautiful sauna is awaiting the group. After the sauna, guests can relax in their hotel room and enjoy a dinner at Cahkal’s unique restaurant. A total of 2 nights in Cahkal hotel including breakfast and 3 course dinners are included, but lunch and additional activities at the hotel during the stay, at own cost. Transfer back to Kiruna city centre or airport is included in the trip. No beverages are included in the price.
