Stay safe!

The Kiruna Mountain Safety Committee warns of dangerous and unusual snow and ice conditions in the mountains. Read more.

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Experience the midnight sun in Abisko

STF Abisko Turiststation, Abisko
Upplev midnattssolen i Abisko

Come to Abisko and experience the arctic mountain vista under the warm light of the midnight sun. Join a guided hike to the top of Nuolja, enjoy good food and explore the beautiful nature in Abisko National Park.

The midnight sun season is a wonderful time to visit Abisko. The sun is up 24/7 and the night is filled with the golden light of the low sun. By taking the chairlift up on Mt. Nuolja, and hiking to the top, the midnight sun season is extended. When the sun starts to dip below the mountains when seen from Abisko Turiststation, you can still see it from the top of Mt. Nuolja!

If you book this package you will sleep well in our hotel beds, eat good food in our restaurant and have free access to the chairlift on Mt. Nuolja. On top of all that you get a guided tour to the top of Mt. Nuolja on the first night.